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package bgsegm appears to be missing from OpenCV 4.5 Java

asked 2020-11-04 09:52:29 -0600

updated 2020-11-04 09:55:42 -0600

The package is not in the distributed jar file, and I have been unable to find even the relevant cpp source. Beyond the Javadoc for (for example) BackgroundSubtractorGSOC, the only other appearance of GSOC is in comments or XML files representing models.

Is there a reason the package is missing? Thanks

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answered 2020-11-04 10:51:54 -0600

berak gravatar image

The package is not in the distributed jar file,


the prebuild packages do not contain any modules from opencv_contrib

this unfortunately means, you'll have to build from src (see README there for build instructions).

apart from a java SDK, you'll need a c++ compiler (e.g. VS or mingw64), cmake and the apache ant tool.

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OK. Thanks.

Cayman Beach gravatar imageCayman Beach ( 2020-11-04 11:29:19 -0600 )edit

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Asked: 2020-11-04 09:52:29 -0600

Seen: 119 times

Last updated: Nov 04 '20