Track markers on a face in a video

asked 2013-10-08 09:34:13 -0600

sohaib gravatar image

updated 2013-10-08 10:21:01 -0600

berak gravatar image

Same question in Stackoverflow

I have a video which has frames as shown in my previous image in this question.

Detect markers on a face and find their coordinates

I detected these markers and numbered them as shown in the image given below:

Detected Markers

My problem is as follows. After I have detected markers in one frame I need to detect them in another frame and find out how much the marker has moved from its previous location. However on using my code again on the second frame I sometimes in some frames get a different numbering among markers and hence I am not able to track markers from one image to another. Also detecting the markers in each image becomes a cumbersome task and takes a lot of time for a video which has around 200 frames.

How can I track these markers over images so as to know how much a particular marker has moved between frames or simply how can I number these markers such that the numbering never changes viz, the marker numbered 60 remains marker number 60 from frame 1 to frame 200.

As a side question is there a way to actually decrease the processing time such that I don't have to detect the face and eyes in each and every frame (Please refer to the image given in the link in my previous question it makes things clearer).

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